Making Africa safe for journalism – The Plan

Making Africa safe for journalism – The Plan

The killing of journalists around the world remains an all too common problem and Africa has not been immune. The United Nations endorsed a Plan of Action in 2012 to try to make the practice of journalism safer. In 2013 and 2014, 178 journalists were killed around the...
A month in the life of journalists in Eastern Africa

A month in the life of journalists in Eastern Africa

Article 19 Eastern Africa issues a monthly bulletin on the status of freedom of expression in the region. This is the slightly shortened January 2016 edition: Burundi 28 January: Foreign journalist Jean-Philippe Remy and photojournalist Philip Edward Moore, while on...
A year in the life of journalists in West Africa

A year in the life of journalists in West Africa

Across West Africa, critical journalists have had to face parliamentary and judicial enquiries, arbitrary arrests and detentions in 2015. In what appears to be an emerging pattern of attempts at censorship and restrictions on critical reporting, journalists in various...